The general nature of an enzyme is one as a biological catalyst. Enzymes catalyze chemical reactions. They are highly efficient, which can increase reaction rates by 100 million to 10 billion times faster than any normal chemical reaction. As a catalyst they can change, transform, and break up oils, fats, sugars, and even fragment a molecular structure.
Another role of enzymes is to eliminate organic waste and consequent odours. They are ideally used for odour control, stain removal and cleaning action. Compared to some of the caustic and potentially harmful chemicals currently used, enzymes are safe to use and safe for the environment.enzymes are produced by living organisms, but they are not alive. Microbes (or bacteria) on the other hand are living organisms that can digest the organic matter but they require longer periods of time because they have to adapt to the surrounding environment before they start to work. In some situations, microbes and enzymes are used together for treatment of waste; the enzymes for the immediate action and the microbes for the longer term.
An enzyme is made up of a chain of amino acids, and it’s the changes to the sequence in the structure that dictates the function of the enzyme. enzymes remove odours by causing a biological or chemical reaction. When an enzyme binds to a substrate, it causes a change in the molecular structure of the substrate by breaking it down into smaller molecules.
Nzyme NZs’ enzyme blend consists of Protease, Lipase and Amylase. These enzymes are commonly used in cleaning products because they are the catalysts behind removing and changing the physical and chemical properties in most related stains and odours. EW’s enzyme blend also works very well in the sewer systems, as it does not harm the natural bacteria that exist in the pipes. EW’senzyme blend has been applied successfully throughout several city sewers that are generally located in areas with a high number of restaurants to maintain flow and prevent clogs. The enzymes actually break down the grease and fat instead of just liquifying them as most surfactants do. As a result of this breakdown and change of chemical structure, they will not solidify further downstream.
Proteases act on protein-based soils such as blood, foods, urine, feces, wines and beverages.
Amylases break down starch-based soils such as sugars, sauces and ice cream.
Lipases are effective in breaking down fats and oils based soils.